Untold Advantages of Salons in Retail That You Don't Know
Marketing Magic
Published at: 28 Dec 2023

The Tale of a Salon Owner and the Retail Conundrum

There was a time when Priya, a salon owner in bustling Mumbai, relied solely on her exceptional hair styling and beauty services to keep her business afloat. But the advent of online retail changed the game. She saw her customers increasingly buying beauty products online, leaving her retail shelves gathering dust.

The Retail Challenge for Salons

The scenario Priya faced is not uncommon. With the convenience of online shopping, customers are often tempted to buy beauty products online rather than from their local salons. This shift poses a significant challenge for salon owners. Not only does it reduce their potential revenue from retail sales, but it also affects their customer retention. After all, if a customer can get the same product online at a potentially lower price, why would they come back to the salon?

This issue goes deeper than just losing retail sales. It’s about the relationship between the salon and its customers. A salon is not just a place to get a haircut or a facial. It’s a space where customers trust the professionals with their beauty needs. And part of that trust comes from the products used and sold in the salon.

The Unseen Advantages of Salons in Retail

Despite the challenges, salons have a unique advantage in the retail industry. They provide a personal touch that online platforms can't replicate. When a customer walks into a salon, they're not just buying a product; they're seeking advice, recommendations, and a personalised experience. This human interaction is something that online retail can't offer.

Additionally, salons can provide live demonstrations of products, allowing customers to see the results before they buy. They can offer samples and mini-sizes for customers to try before they invest in full-size products. These strategies can significantly increase retail sales in salons.

Moreover, the salon industry is growing rapidly. According to a report by IBISWorld, the hair and beauty salon market in India is expected to grow at a CAGR of 27.07% between 2020 and 2025. This growth indicates a massive potential for retail sales in salons.

How Bewtee.com Can Help

Here's where Bewtee.com comes in. As a salon-specific SaaS tool, Bewtee.com helps salon owners like Priya to streamline their booking process and boost customer retention. By integrating retail into the salon booking process, Bewtee.com makes it easy for customers to add products to their service booking. This seamless integration of services and retail encourages customers to buy products from the salon, thereby boosting retail sales and customer retention.

In conclusion, while online retail poses a challenge, salons have unique advantages that they can leverage. With the right strategies and tools like Bewtee.com, salons can not only survive but thrive in the retail industry. So, let's embrace the change and outperform online retail.